TPI(Tibet Post International)に提供された映像によると、Lobsang Tsering(ロブサン・チェリン)は、6月7日火曜日午後4時頃、ダライ・ラマ法王の写真を掲げながら、「ダライ・ラマ法王万歳(永遠に)!」「チベットに自由を!」と呼号し、平和的な行進を行った後、まもなく連行されており、現在彼の所在は不明になっている。
Dharamshala — Reports coming out of Tibet say Chinese authorities in Ngaba County of north-eastern Tibet have detained a Tibetan man after he launched a solo protest in Ngaba county in protesting against the repressive Chinese occupation of Tibet.
According to a video submitted to TPI by a source, Lobsang Tsering, a monk in his twenties, was taken into custody shortly after staging a peaceful march, carrying a photograph of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama and shouting slogans “May His Holiness the Dalai Lama live for 10,000 years!” and “Freedom for Tibet” at around 4 pm on Tuesday, June 7. His whereabouts are currently unknown.
“Lobsang shouted slogans calling for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and freedom for Tibet. Chinese police immediately arrested him at the spot,” Kanyag Tsering and Lobsang Yeshe, two Kirti monks in exile in Dharamsala, a close contacts in the region told the Tibet Post International.
He is the son of father Sherab (household name is Ngoray) and mother Yuko, and presently belongs to the Kalachakra College, one of the four main colleges of Ngaba Kirti monastery.
Hundreds of Tibetans, including writers, bloggers, singers and environmentalists, have been detained or are imprisoned since 2008, after attempting to express their views or share news of the situation in Tibet with the outside world, and provides further evidence of a widespread crackdown against free expression in Tibet.
Sporadic demonstrations challenging Chinese repressive rule have continued in Tibet since widespread protests swept the region in 2008, with more than 140 Tibetans to date setting themselves ablaze to oppose Beijing’s repression and call for freedom in Tibet and the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
*本稿はTHE TIBET POST International (Jun 7, 2016)の記事を翻訳したものである。
TPI(Tibet Post International)に提供された映像によると、Lobsang Tsering(ロブサン・チェリン)は、6月7日火曜日午後4時頃、ダライ・ラマ法王の写真を掲げながら、「ダライ・ラマ法王万歳(永遠に)!」「チベットに自由を!」と呼号し、平和的な行進を行った後、まもなく連行されており、現在彼の所在は不明になっている。
「ロブサンは、ダライ・ラマ法王のチベット帰還とチベットの自由を訴えるスローガンを叫んだ」中国警察は即座にその場で彼を逮捕した。Kirti修道院に所属するKanyag Tseringと Lobsang Yesheの二人の僧侶は、インド・ダラムサラのチベット亡命政府にそう語っている。
ロブサン・チェリンは、父Sherab(家庭での名前はNgoray)と母Yukoの息子で、現在Ngaba Kirti修道院の四つの主要なカレッジのうちの一つKalachakra僧院に所属していた。
Lobsang Tsering氏とされる写真
Dharamshala — Reports coming out of Tibet say Chinese authorities in Ngaba County of north-eastern Tibet have detained a Tibetan man after he launched a solo protest in Ngaba county in protesting against the repressive Chinese occupation of Tibet.
According to a video submitted to TPI by a source, Lobsang Tsering, a monk in his twenties, was taken into custody shortly after staging a peaceful march, carrying a photograph of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama and shouting slogans “May His Holiness the Dalai Lama live for 10,000 years!” and “Freedom for Tibet” at around 4 pm on Tuesday, June 7. His whereabouts are currently unknown.
“Lobsang shouted slogans calling for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and freedom for Tibet. Chinese police immediately arrested him at the spot,” Kanyag Tsering and Lobsang Yeshe, two Kirti monks in exile in Dharamsala, a close contacts in the region told the Tibet Post International.
He is the son of father Sherab (household name is Ngoray) and mother Yuko, and presently belongs to the Kalachakra College, one of the four main colleges of Ngaba Kirti monastery.
Hundreds of Tibetans, including writers, bloggers, singers and environmentalists, have been detained or are imprisoned since 2008, after attempting to express their views or share news of the situation in Tibet with the outside world, and provides further evidence of a widespread crackdown against free expression in Tibet.
Sporadic demonstrations challenging Chinese repressive rule have continued in Tibet since widespread protests swept the region in 2008, with more than 140 Tibetans to date setting themselves ablaze to oppose Beijing’s repression and call for freedom in Tibet and the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
THE TIBET POST International - Jun 7, 2016